Brief profile of Eng. Alessandro Nilberto


Savona, 25th of September,1971


2002        Graduation at the University of Genoa, Mechanical Engineering

Degree thesis: Design Optimisation of premixer ducts for aeronautic gas turbine burners.

1990        School-leaving certificate at Liceo Classico G. Chiabrera, Savona

Work experiences:

  • Since January 2004:

    Ph.D. student of the Department of Fluid Machine and Energy System - University of Genoa in collaboration with ANSALDO Energia; involved in ANSALDO Energia projects addressed at the development of IGT systems.

    Assistant professor within the Managment Engineering degree course (Fluid Machines and Energy Systems Management).


  • Since February 2002:

    Involved, within the Department of Fluid Machine and Energy System - University of Genoa in the EC financed Project Centers of Excellence for Industrial Gas turbines (CE-IGT).